The Belize Bureau of Standards (BBS) as the beneficiary of training entitled “European Union Labelling and Packaging Requirements for CARIFORUM Exporters Project Phase II”, under the CARICOM Regional Organization for Standards and Quality (CROSQ) and The Germany Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) Grant Agreement, train the trainer’s workshop for SMEs, conducted a workshop with national stakeholders on August 26th, 2021. The purpose of the workshop was to:
• Contribute to the activation of the CARIFORUM-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) in support of maximising market access and improved trade performance for CARIFORUM firms.
• Contribute to the sustainability of the Private Sector by providing Technical Assistance on the European labelling and packaging requirements for Pre-packaged goods.
• Improve adherence to the EU product labelling and packaging rules and regulations for Pre-packaged Goods.
• Free tools updated continuously pertaining to the European market for much guidance.
The workshop was executed virtually via Microsoft TEAMS followed by a Kahoot game to assess participants understanding of the information shared during the workshop. First place in this interactive learning assessment went to Mr. Jose Cocom – Packaging Conditions Operation Engineer from Belize Sugar Industries Ltd. who was successful in answering 90% of the questions accurately.

Mr. Jose Cocom -Packaging Conditions Operation Engineer from Belize Sugar Industries Ltd.
Ms. Magda Flores – Co-owner of Flo Natural Coconut Water and Mr. Luis Bedran – HACCP Coordinator from Running W Meats came in second and third respectively.