Wednesday October 30th, 2024
The Belize Bureau of Standards, through a project titled: Standards Partnership Programme funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) and implemented by the British Standards Institue (BSI), hosted a National Quality Policy and the National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) workshop which had representation from the Public and Private Sectors. The National Quality Infrastructure System is the system which is comprised of public and private sector organizations together with the policies, relevant legal and regulatory framework, and practices needed to support and enhance the quality, safety and environmental soundness of goods, services and processes. The National Quality Policy (NQP) constitutes a strategic intervention intended to positively influence the quality of public service provided by the state for the citizenry and to encourage the private sector to produce goods and services that are globally competitive. The NQP lends strategic guidance in the successful implementation of the NQI.
This workshop is the peak of a week’s worth of meetings with stakeholders to raise awareness around the NQP AND one of the first actions towards the successful implementation of the NQP. In the coming months, the BBS and BSI’s local consultant will be having meetings with public and private stakeholder sessions to identify what exists, what those gaps are and what are the needs. This assessment will populate a matrix which will help guide the Government’s and Private Stakeholder’s approach to Quality Infrastructure development and ultimately build a stronger culture for quality in Belize.
To view a copy of the National Quality Policy, visit our website at or call us at 822-0446 for more information.